Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reflection #1: Technology Bits Bytes and Nibbles

I think a blog is a great way to share information and news articles.  I really enjoyed the wealth of topics covered in the Technology Bits Bytes and Nibbles blog and explored the ones that interested me.  I was particularly interested in the articles about a Tennessee school requiring I-pads and an article about how to bring your lesson plans to the 21st century.  The article of the school requiring I-pads surprised me.  I did not know schools were requiring such devices, and I hope it is a successful for their school.  The article over lesson plans seems to be a great resource that I will bookmark for future reference.  It gave an example of how to liven up and bring a Christopher Columbus lesson to the 21st century.  It gave me some different ideas on how to plan history lessons and some different ways to incorporate technology.  Also, I enjoyed the article about Google maps, and it gave me some ideas for future lesson plans.  I could use the old vs. new pictures of real places as an introduction to a lesson to have the students compare and contrast the old vs. new of some idea, place, or thing.  Overall, I feel like a blog is a great way to share information and resources.

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