Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reflection #2: CDK's Education Technology Place

The CDK's Education Technology Place website has a lot to offer.  There were several things I was interested in.  I think the Celebrate Kansas Voices project is such an amazing project.  It has inspired me to want to video record stories from my family gatherings.  What a gift it would be to watch those stories being retold over and over again.  I think this project also presents me with many lesson plan ideas for my future students.  There are so many things you could do with video recording.  The possibilities are really endless and seeing this project has energized me.  The “When I Become a Teacher” YouTube video is thought provoking.  I don’t want to be like any of those teachers and will make sure I am not.  I have seen the “Think Different” video, and it’s always one that really inspires.  I do want to change the world, and I believe by being the best me I can.  I really enjoyed the ease of access to other teacher's blogs, and I feel like I could spend so much time here browsing the blogs.  I really enjoyed Thoughts from Jen.  It’s really amazing how much I have learned in the last 30 or so minutes from reading about other’s ideas, thoughts, and projects.  I have an idea book for ideas for my future classroom and have jotted down several ideas.  It’s exciting!

Reflection #1: Technology Bits Bytes and Nibbles

I think a blog is a great way to share information and news articles.  I really enjoyed the wealth of topics covered in the Technology Bits Bytes and Nibbles blog and explored the ones that interested me.  I was particularly interested in the articles about a Tennessee school requiring I-pads and an article about how to bring your lesson plans to the 21st century.  The article of the school requiring I-pads surprised me.  I did not know schools were requiring such devices, and I hope it is a successful for their school.  The article over lesson plans seems to be a great resource that I will bookmark for future reference.  It gave an example of how to liven up and bring a Christopher Columbus lesson to the 21st century.  It gave me some different ideas on how to plan history lessons and some different ways to incorporate technology.  Also, I enjoyed the article about Google maps, and it gave me some ideas for future lesson plans.  I could use the old vs. new pictures of real places as an introduction to a lesson to have the students compare and contrast the old vs. new of some idea, place, or thing.  Overall, I feel like a blog is a great way to share information and resources.